half circle

ardha mandalasana

Half circle opens and stretches the whole side of the body from foot to fingers.

Half circle opens the chest and the hips and stimulates the respiratory and nervous systems.

From a kneeling position, with the knees hip width apart, step the right leg straight out to the side with the foot flat on the floor, toes facing forward.

Carefully lower the left hand to the floor, directly under the shoulder. Inhale the right arm up and over the head with the palm facing the floor.

Press the hips forward, arch the spine back, and let the head drop back.

Press the left foot into the floor and reach out through the left fingers, making a half circle shape with the left side of your body.

Breathe and hold for 3-8 breaths,

To release: exhale and slowly lower the hips to the floor.

 Place folded blanket under knees.