About Master Rajnish

Master RAJNISH has been involved in martial arts for over 27 years and has been an instructor for 17 years.

The Chief Instructor, Master Rajnish started Karate Shotokan in 1978. he attained black belt standard in 1990, thanks to Shihan R. Murugan the First Indian Open International Kick Boxing Champion who taught and shaped him. He believes that people can benefit greatly in the areas of self-confidence, physical conditioning, and personal growth by taking martial arts and absolutely loves passing on his knowledge.

Achievements of Master Rajnish

He is one of only a few INDIAN who has represented India in the "world championship" in 1998 in Birmingham U.K.

He was the only inductee martial artist for the HALL OF FAME as a "DEDICATED MARTIAL ARTIST" from INDIA in JAN 2003.


He has a DOCTORATE DEGREE in MARTIAL ARTS from the University of CHICAGO.

Many of his own students have received recognition for their accomplishments in International championships.

Master RAJNISH provide training to Spl. Forces in India.( N.S.G Black Cat Commandoes, Spl. Action Group, Anti Terrorist Squad, Anti Hijacking Group, Spl. Ranger Group)

A professional martial arts instructor, Master RAJNISH provides only personal training at his client places at their convenience.