Benefits of the Balance Pose (Tulasana):
Tulasana (Balance Pose) strengthens arms, hands and shoulders and makes them powerful. Back and shoulder aches are relieved by this Asana.

How to perform the Balance Pose (Tulasana):
- Sit in the Padmasana Pose. Rest your palms on the ground keeping both hands at your sides.
- Breathe deeply and hold your breath.
- Supporting the weight of your body on your hands, lift the whole body locked in Padmasana, above the floor.
- Lift it upwards as much as possible while holding your breath.
- Hold the position as long as you can hold your breath.
- Slowly return back to the former position. Relax for few minutes and repeat it again.

Durations/Repetitions of the Balance Pose (Tulasana):
Hold Tulasana (Balance Pose) as long as you can hold your breath. Gradually it can be repeated upto 5 times.

Difficulty Level and Advancement of the Balance Pose (Tulasana):
Tulasana (Balance Pose) is a difficulty level 6 asana recommended for intermediate yoga practitioner.